Classical Music is an integral part of the cultural life of the community. The Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra promotes, supports and assists the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra in educating and inspiring all in the Brazos Valley to appreciate fine music.

Puttin' On the Ritz
FASO invites you to Puttin’ On the Ritz Luncheon & Fashion Show. Come and enjoy good food, fashion, and live music Thursday, October 17, 2024 at the beautiful Miramont Country Club.
About FASO
The Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra (FASO) provides much-needed support for the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra. FASO was formed in 1984 with 175 members eager to help the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra, then only three years old. This season, FASO celebrates 40 years of serving the symphony!
FASO members support the Symphony by attending concerts, hosting receptions to enhance the symphony experience, and fundraising through Derby Day, and other special events.
Each year FASO sponsors Children’s Concerts for nearly 3,000 area fourth and fifth grade students, and hosts the annual Brazos Valley Youth Concerto Competition. The winner of the competition is invited to play at the children’s concerts and represents our community in the prestigious Juanita Miller Concerto Competition held each January in Dallas.
The FASO Executive Committee meets regularly to organize and plan for ways to support the Symphony. Each year, FASO holds an Annual Meeting and Luncheon where the year’s accomplishments are recapped. New Officers begin their terms on June 1st of each season.
Inspiration to establish a support group for the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra originated at a regional conference of the American Symphony Orchestra League in San Antonio in April, 1984. At this meeting a delegation from Brazos County met representatives from several state auxiliary groups of the Texas Association for Symphony Orchestras (TASO), and became enthusiastic about organizing a similar group in the Brazos Valley. An organizational meeting was held September 4, 1984 with 168 charter members. Peggy Samson was the first President from 1984-1987.
Become a Member!
FASO welcomes new members at any time. For information about joining the Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra, please e-mail the Symphony Office and they will have a FASO Representative contact you. You may also fill out a Membership Form and mail it in with your dues.

Symphony Ambassadors Program
The Symphony Ambassadors Program for high school junior and senior students enables them to understand the behind the scenes production of the Symphony. The Ambassadors usher at concerts, provide refreshments and snacks for the musicians, and participate in community service activities.
Children's Concerts
The area’s premiere cultural & educational experience for nearly 3,000 area fourth and fifth grade students.

Youth Concerto Competition
Music students throughout the area are invited each fall to submit their performances of any movement from any concerto. Marcelo Bussiki, Music Director and Conductor of the BVSO, will then select finalists using a blind selection process.
Donate to FASO
Make a donation to our organization and help us create a better future for the BVSO. Your support will have a direct and meaningful impact.

FASO Board of Directors
Becky Hall
Past President
Sandy Farris
1st Vice President
Lana Wood
2nd Vice President BVS Ambassadors
Jennifer Wood, Jennifer Keischnick, Cindy Sampson
3rd Vice President
Anne Prescott
Beth Pennebaker
Colleen Holmes
TASO Representative
Alice Hoelscher
Sue Lee, Karen Melvin, Julia Beazer, Jane Miller, Kathy Brewer