Annual Fund | Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra
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2024-2025 Individual Donor Subscription Levels and Annual Fund Contributors

The Brazos Valley Symphony Society is most grateful to the individuals and companies who, by their monetary commitment, make possible the continued growth of the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra’s many outstanding artists, programs, and services.  Listed below are those individuals and organizations that have made gifts or pledges to the Symphony through our Individual Donor Subscription Levels and the Annual Fund Drive.

Make a Donation

Each year, ticket sales cover less than 25% of the Orchestra’s costs. Help support your Orchestra and the music you love by making a donation and becoming a member of the Symphony Society.

Maestro ($10,000+)

The Clearfield Family

Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra

The Ham Family Trust

Don Hellriegel*

Soloist ($5,000-$9,999)

Sue Lee*

Joyce Perkins

Becky & B. Don Russell

The Wakefield Foundation

Concertmaster ($2,000-$4,999)

Pat & Sarah Ashburn

Bob & Dorothy Anderson

Pierce Cantrell* in Memory of Carol Cantrell

David & Joanne Claridge

Blaine* & Hannah Decker

Jan & Bill Johnson

Randi & Averyt Knapp honoring Virginia & Russell Mays

Principal ($1,000-$1,999)

Fred & Cheryl Anderholm

Fuller & Gloria Bazer

Ryan* & Kari Becker

Paul & Karen Bonarrigo*

Robert & Blanche Brick*

Mike* & Sheila Connor

Bruce & Mary Ann Dickson in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Terrance & Stacy Dill

Rainer & Tami Fink

Jane Flaherty

Gary & Judy Hart

Charles* & Lorraine Hermann

Clifford & Alice Hoelscher

Mark & Carol Holtzapple

John & Claire Lillie

Jerry & Cathy Loving*

Brent Maxwell & Patricia Burchfield

Jo Monroe

Andrew & Elizabeth Natsios*

John & Carol Nichols

Michael & Karen Pilant

David & Lou Ellen Ruesink

Mark & Carol Sadoski

Jack Skinner

Shirley Smith in Memory of Robert E. Smith

Charles Still

Robert & Katherine Thomas

Ellen & Penrod Thornton*

Harvey & Sandy Tucker

Tom Vogel & Barbara Gastel

Rand & Doris Watson

Dean & Dorothy Wichern

Eric & Julie Wilke

Peter Witt & Joyce Nies

David & Valerie Woodcock

Rod & Penny Zent*

Patron ($500-$999)

Carolyn Adair

Marcelo Bussiki*

Benton Cocanougher*

Sandra da Conturbia

Claude & Joanna Gibson

Tom & Linda Henry

Charles & Barbara Johnson in Memory of Sandy Tucker

William Kennamore

James B. Kracht in Memory of Erin Kracht

Susan & David Lancaster in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Billy & Mary Jo Lay

Albert & Mary Loudon

Sheran Riley

Scott* & Debe Shafer in Honor of Peggy Shafer

Carl Shafer

Bobby & Nita Smith

Charlotte Stevens

Martha Vilas*

Ward & Diane Wells

Ann Wiatt

Mary Williams

Dick & Linda Witherite

The Estate of Arthur Wolfe

Annual Fund Circle ($50-$499)

Dee Dee & Jon Acklam in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Kim & Mark Bellard in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Nancy Blair in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Judy & Brian Bochner in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Nelda Bravo in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Mark & Nancy Browning

Pierce Cantrell in Memory of Sandra Tucker

Brett & Olga Cooke

Zou & Boyd Cherry

Margie & Jim Dyer in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Ann Ercelawn in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Kim Feldman

Donna Fong in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Stephen Fulling

Dale & Lisa Fritz in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Dale & Lisa Fritz in Memory of Valerie Woodcock

Anat & Nehemia Geva

Phil & Zo Granberry

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gribou in Memory of Sandra Tucker

Bob & Becky Hall*

Kay Hart in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Mike & Janet Higgins in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Linda Jackson & Bill Mosley in Honor of Sandra Tucker

Rodger Koppa

Andreas Kronenberg

Roger Kuhnle

Claudette Louard-Clarke in Honor of Sandra Lynn Tucker

William & Laurine Marlow

Patricia McDermott in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Miramont Country Club in Memory of Sandra Tucker

Gary Pfrehm in Memory of Sandra Lynn Tucker

Susan Portis in Memory of Sandra Tucker

Matt* & Merrilee Prochaska

Rhonda & Rob Putz

Joe & Lorrie Quinlan

Werner Rose

Dave & Lou Ellen Ruesink in Memory of Valerie Woodcock

Gib & Nancy Sawtelle in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Gib & Nancy Sawtelle in Memory of Valerie Woodcock

Mr. Roland Schweitzer & Dr. Susan Woodard

Byron & Ann Stebbins

Greg & Madeline Stiles in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Linda Stockton in Memory of Sandra Tucker

Dean Thompson

Doris & Rand Watson in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Doris & Rand Watson in Memory of Valerie Woodcock

Thomas & Anne Wehrly

Ward & Diane Wells in Memory of Sandy Tucker

Erica Wheeler in Memory of Mrs. Tucker

Katherine Williams

Grant & Wendy Wolfe in Memory of Sandy Tucker

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